Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Stupid Debate

So, Joel and I have a debate tomorrow in our Resource Management lab. Somehow we have to argue Canada is Doing Enough to Deal with Climate Change. Hmmm, seeing as that we're more than 25% above our targets set in the Kyoto Agreement this is a doozie. (But I guess that doesn't matter since we're not a part of Kyoto anymore, Thanks Stephen Harper! GRRRR!)

Lucky for me, I'm looking into the history of Canadian policy in regards to climate change, this isn't so bad, because there's been a lot of good legislation passed and groups organized around the issue. Unfortunately, it's all about talk and no action, but for the purpose of my debate I'm going to ignore that. Ugh, the other group is going to slaughter us. Joel has to look at Canada compared on an international level... we're pretty much at the bottom for industrialized nations; basically only the US is worse than us. How are we suppose to win a debate when our countries actions suck?! I really feel bad for the other guy in our group. He has to argue that climate change is not affecting/ will not affect natural resources in Canada. Right... about that Pine Beetle infestation and no cold winters...

The worst part about this lab is the other motion, I'm SOOO glad I'm not on that side. They have to argue Are Human Activities Causing Climate Change? How do you even argue the con side? THERE IS NO DEBATE! YES HUMANS ARE CAUSING CLIMATE CHANGE! How can they even expect students to find information on that when there is NONE! So for those of you reading who think that there may still be a debate on the is it, or isn't it? I happily inform you that all scientific evidence backs it up that we have changed the atmosphere. I'm not happy that we have, I'm just happy that all scientists agree that burning millions of years of fossil fuels (full of CO2) has had an impact on the atmosphere.

And to top it all off there's a short paper due along with it. I think it's due next week, but there was no due date on the outline given to us. I really hope it's not due tomorrow, that would really suck. Really Really Suck.

So I love school, honestly. I really enjoy being able to get mad and passionate about a topic. I just wish we didn't have stupid assignments to prove our competency. As far as I'm concerned the instructor who wrote the lab up is incompetent, seeing as that the debate questions are not up for debate. Period.

1 comment:

momdonna said...

you always were a good one to debate anything and everything, I'm sure you'll do just fine. Give them your passion about it and just go for it.