Thursday, January 11, 2007

Geography Geek

I am a dork, this is something I've come to embrace in my time at school. I tried to run from it in High School, because well, I wanted to be cool. But not anymore, I just want to enjoy things, and being a dork is one of those ways.

So Joel and I are going to a Geography Conference March 8-11, in Abbotsford with the WDCAG (Western Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers). It's going to have students from around the province presenting their work, and other guest lecturers. We're hoping this will be a good starting point for networking into the geograghy world, and obviously a lot of fun! Check it out here!

Going on trips always involves fundraising, so we're having a bake sale tomorrow. I could have just bought some cookies and called it that, but no, my dorkiness took over. This is what it lead to:

It's a carrot/raisin cake, with cream cheese icing, and yes, I drew all the continents myself! YEA Jen! So I'm hoping that people will donate lots of money for a piece of my cake because they'll see that we're dorks, and dorks should go to conferances. And SOGS is Students of Geography Society.

Life is great.


Valerie Comer said...

Beautiful artwork Jen!

brian said...

haha, i started a blog,oh yeah and i love the cake hahaha

Valerie Comer said...

Hey Jen, the links to Hanna's and my blogs are dead links--double http by the look of it.

And hi Brian!

brian said...

hello val but jen yes yes we can start a crazy geek family

brian said...

hey mo said something about you guys doing some bbq at the parlement building so what is this a protest????