Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Green Confession


A place to confess your green wrongdoings!



Okay, maybe....

I get Starbucks frappuccino's or a Tim Horton's Ice Cap once every one in awhile, and don't always recycle the cup! Eek!

What's your green confession?


Karenee said...

Um... do you want all of them? I don't do much that is green, actually. Mostly because I foster a fond skepticism that it helps and it's hard to do. I don't even know when recycling happens around here.

However, my goal is to have a recycling post when we buy a house. Here, there isn't even room for trash, really, so I abandon all attempts. (total copout)

Jen said...

What is recycling like in the rest of the world? Here in Victoria the vast majority of people I see have more blue bins (recycle bins) out than trash cans. It's very inspiring!

But I know in Cranbrook (BC) they don't even come and pick up recycling!

I'm a big advocate of municipalities making it as easy as possible for people to recycle. And I would really like to see curbside compost pick up too!

I found an interesting site on the perks of recycling, check it out!
Recycle Zone