Saturday, August 25, 2007

Are all your needles in one place?

I am brilliant. These are the kinda things I come up with when I'm suppose to be packing. I was going through my craft stuff ::scapbooking,painting stuff (from my Pretty Rain Boots, sewing, knitting...:: My stuff was driving me crazy, because it was in a mess in my craft room- which I never used since isolated craft rooms are uninspiring. Anyways...My knitting needles were in assortment of bags, all with various half balls of yarn. It was messy. So I decided it didn't have to be messy.

It was fun playing with my sewing machine (a dee-lightful present from my mom a few years ago!) I don't play with it nearly as much as I should. But it's always there when I really want it. And this was my first time playing with the embroidery stitches on it. Fun Times! I think I should buy some pretty fabric and sell these on Etsy.


Mrs. S said...

this type of procrastination will help making unpacking so much easier...

Jen said...

yes, because if i don't have time to pack it, it'll just go to the salvation army.

Karenee said...

Yay! That is pretty, and if I knitted I'd want one. Can you make them for kid's school supplies??? You know, two pencils, a ruler, etc.... LOL

Jen said...

ooh, Karen. I like your thought. That would be so easy to keep all that stuff under control with an invention like this. Hmm, perhaps I should make one of those too....