Saturday, July 28, 2007

Jewelry Success!

This past week I brought my jewelry collection to work at the request from women I work with. I was expecting to sell, you know, a few items or so, but wasn't getting my hopes up too much. Well.... it went WONDERFUL! Thank you, Thank you to all of you!

Selling jewelry feels sooo good! I'm not going to stop making it, and I can only make so much for myself. And it makes me happy to give special women a unique piece- which will never be duplicated- that they can treasure. I hope they enjoy it very much!

And of course it's fun to have people oogling over my stuff telling me how talented I am....

(*Note to self: Modesty, Jen! Learn Modesty!)


Valerie Comer said...

You sort of forgot to tell us how many pieces were sold or commissioned! Come on, girl. After THAT you can learn modesty!

momdonna said...

ausome sales girl, just a note; your mothers birthday is tomorrow.