Sunday, February 4, 2007

I love my family

Okay, quick update... but it must be quick because I NEED to study... I have two midterms on Tuesday and haven't studied at all... AHHH!!

So, I love my family! Both sides!

First of all I was in Burnaby for Sat & Sun, my dad and brother did a surprise visit to the Lower Mainland. (It nearly gave my Bubba a heart-attack!) So I couldn't pass up the opportunity to see them, even if it means not studying. We had a great time, ate yummy food (I like pickled eggs), hung out and chatted. And my dad flew me back on a helicopter! A half hour ride, compared to the 4 hours it takes on the ferry! The whole ride was cloudy and I couldn't see anything, but it was still SUPER COOL!

And I love my s-in-l, Hanna! Check this out! She's making me a webpage to show off my jewelry, and I she knew what I wanted more than I did myself! It's sooooo perfect! And the girl is so pretty, and the TREE! Oh the TREE! It has roots! YEA!

And now I must go... 36 hours until two midterms... why....

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