Monday, February 5, 2007

I don't like the Government

I woke up this morning (at 11:00), made some coffee and turned on the news to CBC. The Question Period was on, so it was all about the legislature, and they were debating the new Climate Change bill.

I am SO sick of the government pointing fingers at each-other. All Harper (Conservative Prime Minister) had to say was why didn't Dion (Leader of Liberal Party) do anything when he was in, and Dion fires back that it's about now, not what didn't happen in the past. And then Jack Layton (NDP leader) blames both of them. AHHH!! Why is it all finger pointing and no action. Is this the way that our government has always worked - I mean, NOT worked!

The Conservatives reasoning behind not setting immediate targets is that it will hurt the economy, but the fact is that our world has changed. We cannot just focus on an economy based around fossil fuels, and I agree with Dion that the new industrial revolution will be in renewable energy. If Canada does not act now, we may be left behind.

What I just don't get is that the Conservatives have given the oil and gas industry huge subsidies, in fact- they receive 8 times more funding than the environment does! AHHH!!

I wonder if I'll ever end up in politics... I complain about it enough... (I feel bad for the people in my house, they get to hear me rant all day.) I want changes to happen, but I hope they'll change by the time I'm able to be there. But if they don't - then watch out Canada!!

Oh yea, and remember my rant about our new environment minister, John Baird? Remember how I questioned his competency? I still am... I think he's useless. Why? Because he supports Harpers (non-existent) targets. What Harper has purposed doesn't set Greenhouse Gas reductions until 2050, and that's too little, too late. Whereas the Kyoto Protocol calls for a 6% reduction of 1990 levels by 2008-2012.

Serious changes need to be made, and the government isn't doing enough.

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