Friday, February 16, 2007

Ahh! It's the Start of Real Life!

I am very happy right now. Very excited. Wanna know why?'s reading break!!! Which means in two weeks I wrote 5 midterms, did 2 labs, 1 presentation, and went on a field trip. There were a few days of tears...many cups of coffee...and not enough sleep. But yet somehow I still love school. Now we get a break to put our heads back in place, and gosh, I do need it!

Joel and I are heading out to Tofino for a few days with our friends Gord, Jesse, Craig and Amy. I'm super stoked, it's the first trip Joel and I have done since last summer. We've rented a cabin (the perks of off-season!) so we'll be warm! The boys all want to go surfing, but I'm scared of surfing... the whole deep dark water thing. There's some scary things in the ocean... I don't know if I'm prepared for it.

So Joel and I are trying to get involved with activities outside of classes, things to get us involved with our community and make connections. In our GIS class on Wednesday our Prof mentioned that there was a Community Mapping Workshop on Friday (today), and we went to it. So that was this afternoon, and we got to see what this group was up to, where they're wanting to go with it, and meeting the people who were involved. The afternoon was great, just being able to see where GIS is applicable in a fun way, and to see who's involved in it. Not only did we get in our Prof's good books, but I think we're going to pursue this further!

This has been a weird semester; it's the beginning of our lives, this is where we're developing our skills for our careers, making connections and seeing where we want to go with this Geography thing. It's overwhelming sometimes, just thinking that I really want to make a difference and seeing that I'm developing the skills and tools for activating change.

It's rad.

Go Jen, Go!


momdonna said...

congratulation on making it through midterms. take a well deserved break.

Valerie Comer said...

Yay! Enjoy your holiday!