Saturday, March 3, 2007

Tourist in Your Own Hometown!

So my roomie Gemma and I went on a fun-filled adventure yesterday; it's time again to be A Tourist in Your Own Hometown! I went last year with my mom and brother, Brian, when they came and visited.

We went to the Undersea Gardens, where you Descend Beneath the Sea, to see what our Pacific Northwest Waters look like. However, it's in a "controlled environment" aka, a tank. But it was still pretty cool. There was an octopus. Did you know that the largest octopus was caught off the coast of Vancouver Island in 1857, it measured 35 feet across!

Jen Descending Beneath the Sea.... ahh...

The Octopus, but this guy's only a meter or so across

After emerging from the Sea we hopped on over to The Wax Museum. Good times.

Gemma Pondering in the Field of Knowledge

Jen being a tree hugger, it's a slice from a 1000 year old Red Cedar on the Queen Charlotte's!

There was a torture chamber in the Wax Museum, but we didn't take any pictures there because it was too scary. Even fake gore freak me out.

Next we went and got delicious Noodle Box. Mmmm, it's the yummiest Noodle food in the whole world. Hanna, we have to go when you visit next!

To finish it all off we went to the IMAX, to see a film on Greece. It was beautiful and I can't wait to one day go there. I love the cities, white buildings, one on top of another, and the Mediterranean Sea, so blue with big waves. Ahh!

One day....


Hanna said...

it's a date! Ah, I remember the undersea garden when I was a kid....good times.

momdonna said...

can't believe it's been a year since we were there. So much has happened in the meantime. Glad you were able to explore some more.

Dea said...

Granny says hi. Went to your new website and your jewelry is gorgeous. Hope you do really well with it. I'm really enjoying my earrings. We'll have to do the Undersea Garden sometime. We're thinking to be on the Island the end of July for the BMX world finals.